How To Do a Proper Gun Maintenance

man cleaning a gun - gun maintenance perth
1 1407 Jan 17, 2023

Gun safety is directly linked to accurate gun maintenance. Regardless of how often your guns are used, or how securely they are stored, consistent cleaning is key to maintaining a high-functioning firearm without grime and powder residue impacting its operation.

The following guide details valuable tips on how to clean a gun, as well as important information for both new and existing firearms owners on effective owner and gunsmith gun maintenance.

Know how to disassemble and reassemble firearms

Guns should be cleaned after each use, making it essential to understand how to efficiently disassemble and reassemble your firearm. Guns not typically used should also be given a deep clean and thorough inspection once a month, ensuring your firearm can operate to its highest capacity. 

Reliable gun maintenance begins with unloading your firearm before disassembling it for cleaning, removing both the magazine and triple checking no rounds are left in the chamber. 

Follow instructions from your gun manufacturer on how to take it apart, cleaning each separate component (such as the barrel) before lubricating the action and reassembling the firearm.

Must have gun maintenance tools

Valuable tools to acquire and keep in your gun cleaning toolbox include a cleaning mat, a secure rifle cleaning station, cleaning solvents and lubricants, cleaning rods and brushes, bore cleaners, polishing cloths, and cotton swabs.

Find the best gun cleaning products to make up a comprehensive firearm cleaning kit at Belmont Guns and Ammo, where a wide range of quality products is available alongside expert guidance.

Owner conducted maintenance

Firearm owners bear a responsibility to undertake regular effective maintenance. Utilising close examinations and the best gun cleaning products available, periodic checks for functionality safety, as well as regularly using a protectant against rust, are key to quality gun maintenance. 

Quick checkup of the gun’s health

Effective gun maintenance involves paying close attention to the action, where any build-up of residue can result in the firearm malfunctioning. Don’t stop removing grime until you can see the metal underneath. 

Basic firearm cleaning

Learning how to clean a gun correctly is just as important as safely storing your firearm. Starting by cleaning the barrel of any lubricant and grime, followed by adding solvent to the action to lubricate all moving parts. After, the exterior of the gun should be wiped down to remove any oils or dirt. 

Gunsmith conducted maintenance – when do you need one

It’s highly recommended to let a professional gunsmith complete a thorough firearm service every 3 years (semi-auto shotguns), 5 years (pump shotguns), and 10 years (bolt action rifles).

Gunsmith conducted maintenance covers:

  • Using specialist techniques and the best gun cleaning products to clean badly contaminated barrels
  • Efficiently cleaning trigger parts
  • Firearms that have been submerged in water and require complete maintenance
  • Helping with any area of gun maintenance that the firearm owner cannot carry out 

If you need professional help, go to Belmont Guns and Ammo

As a respected provider of quality firearms and accessories, Belmont Guns and Ammo are an established family-run gun shop dedicated to the supply of quality gun products and respected brands to each valued customer.

Browse the range of gun maintenance items online now, or get in touch to discuss what you should store in your gun cleaning toolbox.